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Rails Hosting

Ruby on Rails

Ruby On Rails

Your Company Name offers Ruby on Rails support for your Ruby applications. Need a Gem installed? No problem! Just ask our fast, friendly support or install it yourself using your control panel's Ruby Gem installer.

About Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is fast becoming one of the most popular open-source scripting frameworks available today. It installs easily on Windows and Linux machines and can help in rapid application deployment.

Ruby on Rails FAQ

Q. Can I develop my Ruby application on your servers?
A. Yes, but you will probably find it easier to develop your Ruby application if your hosting account includes shell access. Most people develop their Ruby applications offline on their local computer and upload them to the server when they have it working.

Q. I am not sure if I have shell access or not.
A. Dedicated servers and VPS packages include root shell access. All other plans include jailshell access for your user account. Please contact support to have your shell activated.

Q. Can I get a shell account on a shared hosting or reseller plan?
A. Sure you can! We still ask you to develop your applications before uploading them to the server though. This helps provide a more stable hosting environment when you can debug your scripts offline.

Q. How can I install Ruby on Rails on my local computer?
A. We recommend installing the Instant Rails package from RubyForge. This is a "one-stop shopping" package that includes Ruby, Rails, Apache, and MySQL and makes installation of these packages on your local machine easy.

Script Hosting

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