Managed Cloud Server & Enterprise Cloud Comparison.

Managed Cloud


Enterprise Cloud

Fully Managed, Partially or No Management (your choice!)
Root Access
Private Operating System
Sites on the upgrade path to a Dedicated Server or Enterprise Cloud solution.Best ForEnterprise who seek rapid deployment, High Availability (HA), and effortless scalability.
No "Per Domain" Fees
Create Virtual Machine Templates
Dedicated Compute Resources
Reboot-free Kernel Updates
Redundant Block Storage
Dedicated Memory (RAM)
Add Compute, Memory and Storage Without Downtime
Hot Failover
Upgrade or downgrade to predefined packages.Hardware specs can be customized100% tweakable to your exact specs.
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Managed Cloud Servers – Preconfigured Virtual Machines

Both Managed Cloud Servers and Enterprise Cloud Servers should not be confused with traditional VPS or shared hosting. They are not the same thing! With our Managed Cloud Servers, you have a 100% contained environment, completely customized to the needs of your websites, not “what is good for most,” which is how shared hosting works.

  • Rapid Deployment & Preconfigured:

We pre-tune and preconfigure our Managed Linux-based Cloud Servers to be optimized for cPanel and WHM, Multiple simultaneous PHP versions, Web app installer, CloudLinux, Node.js and Python App Managers, Internal Firewall, Monitoring, and much more.

Managed Cloud Servers (Managed Virtual Machines) from GlowHost differ from our Enterprise Cloud Hosting products in their simplicity. Simply pick a pre-configured system from one of several recommended configurations, order it, and within minutes you’ll have full root access to your new virtual machine sporting cPanel, WHM, Softaculous, and other management panels.

  • High Performance and Availability:

With an inexpensive VPS, typically all VPS share one single hardware node, which means if that machine goes down, so do all the VPS on it.  GlowHost’s unique Managed Cloud and Enterprise Cloud Servers reside on a massive hardware cluster, which pools its resources like Compute, Memory (RAM), and Redundant Block Storage.  This means if one or even many of these hardware nodes or components break down, the Virtual Machines will not go down. The virtual machines simply redistribute themselves in real-time to the rest of the hardware nodes or components, and it is “business as usual.”

Both types of cloud servers from GlowHost offer higher performance than a VPS and can outperform even a dedicated server with the right amount of horsepower allocated to the virtual machine. 

With a Cloud Server, when overall cloud activity is high, your system will remain strong because it has guaranteed minimum resource levels which other virtual machines cannot interfere with. With traditional VPS or standard shared hosting, oftentimes they do not do a great job of fully isolating themselves from other accounts, and slowdowns often occur due to other account’s over-consumption of the single physical node’s resources. 

Our overall cloud hosting footprint is fully redundant at every level. Our cloud servers can sustain multiple hard drive failures, multiple hardware node failures, failed RAM, failed CPU, network failures, and electrical failures. Our data centers also include industrial generators and battery backups to power the cloud until electrical service is restored should a rare power event occur.

Get started now by ordering pre-configured Managed Cloud Servers

Enterprise Cloud Servers – Custom OS and Private VM Templates 

Our latest advancement in virtualization technology allows you to have a fully redundant, High Availability (also known as “HA”), clustered cloud server solution guaranteed for five-nines uptime (99.999%) uptime or greater.

Enterprise Cloud Servers from GlowHost offer the following benefits:

  • Elasticity:

The GlowHost Enterprise Cloud hosting system is completely elastic, allowing you to add more resources such as Compute resources, Memory (RAM), Redundant Block Storage, or network port speed and transfer dynamically, and on the fly. No more reboots or downtime due to the need for hardware upgrades, possible DOA hardware components, or equipment failure.  Unlike bare-metal hosting, your resource levels are not limited by predefined packages, and you can customize resources any way you see fit, on-demand and without downtime.

  • Scalability:

We’ve built and configured the complex hardware, networking, hardware nodes, and management software for you.  All traditional hardware resources like CPU, RAM, and disk space can be added in real time. Now you can build yourself an ultra-powerful single virtual server that scales with you, without the headaches involved in setting up your hardware cluster. If you want to take things to the next level by introducing database, application, and/or storage server clusters, we’ve also simplified the process for you.  Our Managed Cloud Template Technology allows you to make clones of your Enterprise Cloud Server down to the operating system; all settings, servers, scripts, databases, modules, extensions, and files are saved so that you can spin up a new virtual machine in minutes, saving valuable time and human resources. Now you can fire up a new, completely customized to your specification, pre-configured, virtual machine and deploy it instantly on demand. Gone are the days of spending hours or days configuring and replicating data, settings, and applications each time the need for a new machine arose. Additionally, load balancing is built right in and you can enable or disable this functionality as needed. 

  • Affordability:

High tech, low price. Now you too can afford enterprise-grade hosting and compete with the big boys for a fraction of what you might expect. Get started with an Enterprise Cloud Server today for as little as $199 per month with no activation fees, no transactional fees, and no idle fees! Simple monthly billing makes things easy to budget for.


Want to try a less powerful virtual machine to see how it works? Take a look at our pre-configured Managed Cloud Virtual Dedicated Servers starting at just $75 per month including cPanel & WHM, management, monitoring, and lots of other goodies built-in like Kernel Care (reboot-free kernel updates) and Softaculous web app installer.

Ready to go for the gusto? Get started now and order your Enterprise Cloud Server.

Do you prefer a dedicated server option instead?

Take a look at our Semi-dedicated Servers and Managed Dedicated Servers.
Both solutions offer higher performance than traditional shared hosting and are offered at attractive prices geared to suit businesses on a variety of budgets.

Need more information or have a custom configuration in mind?
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<a href=''>FREE Domain Name Registration</a>FREE Domain Name Registration

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<a href=''>cPanel Control <br />Panel</a>cPanel Control

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